Is the procedure safe?
All surgical procedures carry risk. We will discuss these in detail with you during your consultation; including infection, scarring and re-occurrence.
When can I get back to work/sport?
We generally certify people from work for 3 days post surgery. However, some people whom work at a desk and can easily rest their foot choose to go back sooner.
Return to sport is much more variable, depending on the extent of the individual surgery and other factors, however 2-3 weeks is a reasonable guide to return to sport. If phenol is applied, full recovery can take significantly longer, often weeks.
Is it truly pain free?
Local anesthesia is achieved using a needle injection into the toe before the surgery. While this can be uncomfortable, the needle is small and quick, and once done the remaining procedure is entirely pain free. Over the counter painkillers are advised post-op, but within a day or two the expectation is that you will be pain free.
Does it provide a truly permanent fix?
Even with surgical treatment, recurrence can happen. However, a greater than 90% effectiveness is reported in the literature.
Tell me more about Ingrown Toenails?
There is a summary of this common complaint here. The procedure we typically offer in this clinic is referred to as a 'Partial Nail Avulsion', with or without phenol.
Do I need a referral?
We are a primary care facility and thus can see patients directly for a consultation. We do of course also receive referrals from podiatrists, GPs and other health professionals and we welcome same. We will give you a discharge letter for your GP post-op.
Can I drive after the surgery?
After the surgery we recommend you bring soft or open-toed sandals for the trip home. We request that you have another person to drive you home.
What are the costs?
Please see 'pricing' tab for more details.
Is the surgery the same day as the consultation?
Usually we can offer it the same day - however you can attend for just the consultation and defer or decline the surgery itself if you wish.
Am I suitable?
Generally if you are fit and well, you are suitable for the surgery. Common conditions such as mild Asthma usually present no problems. However, Immunosuppression/ Complicated Diabetes/ Blood Thinners (eg Warfarin) or other medical concerns can prevent surgery in the primary care setting - details can can be discussed at a consultation or feel free to contact us via email or phone with queries.
What ages do we treat?
We see adults and children over the age of 12, whom of course must be accompanied by their parent or legal guardian.